Hypnobabies Benefits
- Feeling relaxed throughout the pregnancy, labor and birth.
- Involvement of both parents participating in Hypnosis and Fear Release sessions, providing a united sense of calm and confidence.
- Shorter labors due to lack of resistance in the birthing muscles.
- Fewer complications and interventions, as the body and mind stay completely relaxed during labor.
- Posterior and Breech babies can be turned with hypnosis as well.
- Fewer drugs or no drugs at all, means less risk of harmful side effects for you and baby.
- Elimination of the Fear/Tension/Pain Syndrome.
- Hypnosis tracks and scripts are used in labor to effect post hypnotic suggestions for elimination of discomfort and relaxation.
Hypnobabies vs. Hypno-Birthing?
We are asked many times what is the difference between Hypnobabies vs Hypno-Birthing and other natural childbirth or birth hypnosis programs and how to have shorter labors, and here we answer that question by telling you our class benefits without disparaging any other particular group. Other natural childbirth courses have excellent programs and benefits that have helped many people have better, more relaxed births. We recognize that and celebrate them and what they do every day for birthing people!
In Hypnobabies, our objectives are to help our pregnant couples bond with their baby in utero, teach you how to stay healthy and low-risk and be an excellent consumer, trust in your body, mind and baby, as well as become self-reliant and confident about birthing your own way; safely and *in much more physical comfort*. We overcome negative belief systems and programming, get you in touch with your own beautiful pregnant body, support you through your own excellent birth experience and give you skills that you will use for the rest of your life. Birth Partners are brought into the preparation process and have their own hypnosis cues for becoming relaxed and calm, as well as a special role to play as they await the birth of the precious newborn with their pregnant partner.
We use real, medical-grade, somnambulistic childbirth hypnosis techniques, addressing the mind, body, and spirit of both pregnant student and baby, so our success and satisfaction rates are wonderful and very gratifying. Our goal is helping families to “enjoy your baby’s birth in comfort, joy and love”!
Unique to Hypnobabies #1: We are not a typical birth hypnosis class
Hypnobabies is very detailed, comprehensive and successful, uses medical hypnotic anesthesia techniques, from Gerald Kein’s powerful Painless Childbirth program, as opposed to simple visualization and imagery. Hypnobabies contains the same kinds of powerful somnambulistic hypnosis scripts used by people who undergo surgery successfully using hypnosis as their only anesthetic – people that are allergic to medical anesthesia and use *only* Hypno-anesthesia techniques during surgery – the same one used in Hypnobabies!
Unique to Hypnobabies #2: Hypnosis tracks before first class
Long before they ever step foot in their first Hypnobabies class, our Hypno-moms receive their first 2 hypnosis audio tracks: Your Special Place, which allows them to learn and become proficient in deep physical relaxation, and Easy, Comfortable Childbirth, enabling them to easily master deep hypnosis and positive birth training. Each Hypno-mom is then able to create deep physical relaxation and practice their hypnosis skills for several weeks (or months!) before Hypnobabies Class even starts. This makes it much easier to learn their Hypnobabies Hypno-anesthesia techniques in each class, bringing the Birth Partner into the preparation, (if they have one) and also how to use hypnosis for many other issues: nausea elimination, back and hip pain, insomnia, pre-term labor, pre-term bleeding, perineal massage, internal exams, turning a breech, etc.
Unique to Hypnobabies #3: Medical-grade Hypnosis tracks
16 powerful, deep hypnosis audio tracks for use by our Hypno-Students as they learn, practice and use their Hypnobabies program. We also include 1 hypnosis track for our Birth Partners so that they can easily become calm and relaxed about pregnancy and childbirth.
Unique to Hypnobabies: Since the background music in all of our Hypnobabies hypnosis audio tracks becomes a part of the hypnotic induction process, it contains “binaural beats”. This process allows the brain waves to synchronize (brain wave entrainment) which provides our Hypno-student and Birth Partners to enter hypnosis faster and attain a deeper state of hypnosis called “somnambulism”, where Hypno-anesthesia is more easily created and accessed. This is a very important unique feature of Hypnobabies since our expectant and birthing Hypnobabies students can enter hypnosis instantly and become physically comfortable and emotionally confident as soon as the music begins!
Unique to Hypnobabies #4: Hypnotic cues specific for childbirth
2 separate hypnosis cues for entering hypnosis quickly and deeply, and 7 hypnotic deepening techniques. These are important since each student’s needs are unique during labor, and since they have learned and practiced these cues many times, they can choose which ones are most effective as they give birth to their baby.
Unique to Hypnobabies #5: Five somnambulistic hypnosis scripts
These hypnosis scripts are in booklet form, for use by our Hypno-Couples to work with as a team. Our Hypnobabies students participate in one new hypnosis script each week in class and their hypnosis scripts booklet provides them with that same script to work with for reinforcement during the next week. This makes a huge difference when training the inner mind for success of any kind. It is called “compounding” in the world of hypnosis and is necessary for hypnotic suggestions to be retained by the subconscious. Working on progressively more powerful scripts several times week together also allows our students to become “hypno-trained” to the touch and voice of their birth partner and therefore respond much more easily and quickly to birthing cues during labor.
Unique to Hypnobabies #6: Detailed, comprehensive training for Birth Partners
We provide partners their own Birth Partner’s hypnosis recording for a calm and confident attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth, and their own detailed Birth Partner’s Guide booklet for labor, which allows them to fully learn and feel confident about their role in the preparation for baby’s birth as well as easily supporting their pregnant partner during birthing. This includes 4 pages of verbal birthing cues which keep their partner in hypnosis during first stage, transition, beginning to push, the pushing phase as well as tools for remaining calm, relaxed, confident and comfortable in between contractions.
Unique to Hypnobabies #7: Hypnobabies can also be very successfully used by Single Mothers
Hypnobabies is also successful for those whose partners will not be participating in their birth preparation process since we have specific information and well as personal help and support for single students, to make their Hypnobabies journey easier and more fulfilling. All of our Hypno-anesthesia techniques can be easily learned, practiced and used alone, or with a Birth Partner or doula.
Unique to Hypnobabies #8: Hypnobabies classes provide excellent and Complete Childbirth Education
Hypnobabies is the only birth hypnosis program that does so (see information below, and our Class Outline). This is key to explaining Hypnobabies vs Hypno-Birthing. Providing our *Complete Childbirth Education* ensures that our Hypnobabies students will not need to take other childbirth education classes where techniques and philosophies are learned which can negate childbirth hypnosis instruction. “Pain management and coping skills” are actually opposite of what is learned in Hypnobabies; we teach Pain Elimination by using real Hypno-anesthesia. We have found that attempting to embrace opposing childbirth methods (which create specific belief systems) can be detrimental to success with hypnotic childbirth. Including Complete Childbirth Education is essential for *any* birth hypnosis program. Learn more here.
Unique to Hypnobabies #9: Hypnobabies’ “Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis”
This allows each student to walk and talk and move around freely yet remain deeply in hypnosis, very relaxed, fully present, aware and in touch with their body and baby and *comfortable while doing so*. Other programs rely on immobility for focus and concentration, which can severely impede the progress of labor and the descent and positioning of the baby.
Unique to Hypnobabies #10: We conduct full Birthing Rehearsals in class # 6
Our students can experience using their actual Hypnobabies techniques and many different labor positions *while in hypnosis in class* which is invaluable, and also shows the Birth Partner hands-on exactly how to use their cues and assistance. What a confidence builder and has made a huge difference in success rates here at Hypnobabies!
Unique to Hypnobabies #11: Our very successful Hypnobabies Birth Visualization
This includes tools to help you mentally and emotionally *practice* entering labor, experience your comfortable birthing techniques and give birth easily and in a very detailed and personal way. This “mental birthing rehearsal” is very important to the process of easy and comfortable birthing and is done many times until your Hypno-baby is born, helping program your subconscious mind to produce exactly the kind of birthing you want. Athletes and public speakers of all kinds do this to prepare with great success, and so do our Hypno-students!
Unique to Hypnobabies #12: Our (4) wonderful Birth Guide audio tracks keep you deeply in hypnosis
Our tracks include constant hypnotic relaxation and Hypno-anesthesia suggestions for both the first stage of labor and the pushing phase (avoiding the “ring of fire” and mother-directed pushing) as well as “positive birth team” hypnosis throughout. Birth Professionals are fascinated at how completely relaxed and physically comfortable our students are, how easily they are able to move around and communicate and still be deeply hypnotized, and how “in control” they are of their bodies, minds and emotions. Our Hypnobabies students tell us that our Birth Guide CD is “Pure Gold!”
Unique to Hypnobabies #13: Vetted and Certified Hypnobabies Instructors
We require our Certified Hypnobabies Instructors have a fully trained background in Childbirth and a minimum of 50 hours of Hypnosis training before becoming accepted into our Hypnobabies Instructor Training Program. This ensures that as a Hypnobabies Instructor, all childbirth questions and concerns from each Hypno-couple can be addressed, hypnotic depth can be assessed, and problems such as resistance and abreaction can easily be dealt with. We also require 40 hours of Hypnobabies Instructor Training and have a demanding and rigorous Instructor Certification process.
Unique to Hypnobabies #14: Our Hypnobabies Instructors are always available
Instructors can help before, during and after your Hypno-baby is born. We also have a free online Hypnobabies support forum for our pregnant students attended by certified Hypnobabies Instructors for support and encouragement so that you can enjoy a community where others are using Hypnobabies as well.
Unique to Hypnobabies #15: Hypnobabies includes 21 hours of classroom instruction instead of 8 or 10
Although other childbirth programs may contain some excellent hypno-tools for birthing, none contain the amount of information, in depth hypno-anesthesia, training, practice and support of Hypnobabies. All elements have been carefully designed to work together and the results are excellent. Sign up here.
Choose a Hypnobabies Class That Works For You
Private classes, Group Classes, or Independent Home Study!
Begin your journey by choosing a Hypnobabies Class here.
Extra Bonuses!
Optional bonus – Home study users can hire a Hypnobabies instructor for a virtual Home Study Advantage (HSA) class for the birthing person and the birth partner. We do a review of the course, make sure the birth partner feels fully up to speed for their role, and do a real time birth rehearsal to practice using all the tools, plus breathing and pushing methods. This HSA is an invaluable way to make sure you are able to reap the full benefit of all the Hypnobabies tools you will have spent so much time learning and practicing. Sign up here.
Optional bonus – Those who sign up for any Hypnobabies class (any live Hypnobabies class with any Hypnobabies instructor, or for the online course or the print version of the Hypnobabies Home Study Course) receive a $400 discount for Nourish Birth Doula services when signing up for the Hypnobabies Birth Doula Package. Already taking the Hypnobabies course, and now you’re looking for a Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula? Sign up for the Hypnobabies Birth Doula Package to get $400 off, just provide proof of receipt. Learn more through the free Meet & Greet or through a private, individual consultation.
Optional bonus – You may be able to receive reimbursement for purchasing Hypnobabies®! Some healthcare insurance companies will cover the cost of childbirth education with CPT the code for childbirth classes: S9436. You may also need this: Diagnosis code Z32.2, which is for childbirth education.
Optional bonus – Additional $200 off for birth doula clients intending to birth at home or a birth center with promo code: homebirth ($600 discount for Hypnobabies birth doula clients)
When to start Hypnobabies?
If you’re interested in Hypnobabies, the “ideal” learning schedule is starting at 28-30 weeks! There is a little homework each week, then listening to the empowering joyful birth affirmations track (the only track that is not hypnosis) while brushing your teeth, driving, doing dishes, etc. each day, and then listening to each week’s hypnosis track before bed/while sleeping (yes, sleeping through it still counts!). Unlike hypnobirthing which doesn’t have actual hypnosis, Hypnobabies is not a basic hypnobirthing course where you just listen whenever you want here and there, and will not be effective if you listen and learn one day here, one day there, skip a week, etc. Unlike the older style of hypnobirthing, Hypnobabies is actually medical-grade hypnosis used by medical professionals for preparing their clients for spinal surgeries and dentistry without anesthesia, but it’s formulated for birthing. The schedule is very structured and is so in order to be effective. You can sleep with a track so literally you can’t get behind since you’re not wasting daylight hours listening to tracks. Also, if you’re already past 30 weeks, there is an accelerated version so don’t let that stop you from learning Hypnobabies, the best tool for an easier, more comfortable birth experience. Check out the Hypnobabies Class Schedule here to find a class series.