The word doula comes from ancient Greek and is used to refer to a professional who is experienced in childbirth, newborn care, and postpartum recovery.
Doulas today are well respected and welcomed among doctors, midwives, and nurses, as it is proven having labor support with a Birth Doula greatly decreases birth complications for the mother and the baby. In the home, Postpartum Doulas and Newborn Care Specialists can help your family transition after your baby is born. Let’s explore the roles of each type of essential support.
The Role of The Birth Doula The Role of The Postpartum Doula The Role of The Newborn Care Specialist Unique Care for Your Family What You Can Learn
The Role of The Birth Doula
The Birth Doula’s purpose is to help women have a safe, memorable, and empowering birthing experience. Birth Doulas help families connect with evidence-based resources so they can ask great questions and make informed decisions about their births. They serve as a bridge of communication between women and their providers, lifting them up to help them find their voices and advocate for the very best care.

Having a birth doula to help you prepare a birth plan and be by your side for both you and your partner through your labor and birth – and can make a huge difference in the outcome of your family’s special moment.
Research shows women who use a birth doula are:
- less likely to need Pitocin
- 39% less likely to have a cesarean birth
- less likely to use pain medication
- more likely to rate their childbirth experience positively
- increased confidence in preparing for birth, welcoming baby, and transitioning to motherhood
- more likely to breastfeed
Birth Doulas help families feel supported, easing the emotional experience of birth and also helping to create a space where the hormones of labor can work at their best. Whether a birth is completely unmedicated or medically very complex, every family can benefit from nurturing and connection at this tender, incredible time in their lives.
Birth Doulas do not deliver babies but they offer position ideas for comfort and labor progression with hands-on comfort measures like comforting touch, counter pressure, breathing techniques and other “doula magic” for families. A doula’s skilled hands and positioning tools can often help a malpositioned baby find its way through the pelvis and into the birthing parent’s arms.
Whether it’s a romantic partner, a friend or another family member like the baby’s grandma, the birth partner’s experience matters in birth. Birth Doulas are there to support every birth partner in being as involved as they’d like with the birth. Physical and emotional support make a huge difference for everyone involved. Did you know? Birth Doula Services are eligible for insurance reimbursement!
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The Role of The Postpartum Doula
Having a Postpartum Doula is like having a personal researcher with a wide network of specialists. She’ll refer new parents to local parenting classes, pediatricians, lactation consultants, pelvic floor therapists, support groups, and more. These resources are just one of the reasons there is a decreased likelihood of Postpartum Mood Disorders with the help from a Postpartum Doula.

- 70% to 80% of women will experience, at a minimum, the “baby blues”
- The reported rate of clinical postpartum depression among new mothers is between 10% to 20%
- 1 in 7 women may experience PPD in the year after giving birth
- Women with a history of depression, anxiety, or serious mood disorders are 30% to 35% more likely to develop postpartum depression
- 10% of new fathers experience symptoms of depression during the postpartum period
- Half of men who have partners with postpartum depression will go on to develop depression themselves
The Postpartum Doula provides nonjudgmental emotional support, listening and helping to process the birth story of both parents. Research shows that moms, dads and babies have an easier time with this transition if a good support team is in place.
This support for the partner for the emotional adjustment to parenthood is also vital and a Postpartum Doula can help ease them into their new role and the transition in their relationship with their partner. It’s a fact that Dads, or the non-birthing parent, who have doulas learn skills earlier and are more able to take on care of their infant alone earlier.
A Postpartum Doula also provides physical support in the mother’s recovery after labor, encouraging eating and drinking adequate fluids, and allowing time for the unique needs of a new mother’s body through self-care, including showering and essential rest.
A Postpartum Doula works with each family individually to find out their particular needs. The initial schedule can consist of 24-hour support for the first 48 hours after returning from the hospital. Postpartum Doula support can be contracted for a minimum of one week to a maximum of three months after the baby is home. Depending on the family’s needs, the Postpartum Doula can be hired for as little as 3 days a week part time or as many as 7 days a week. Daytime services are a minimum of 3 hour sessions and nighttime services are a minimum of 8 hours per night.
Toddlers, young children, and older siblings benefit tremendously from having a Postpartum Doula in the home as she helps them adjust to the new family member by teaching parents activities which introduce the children to bond with the new baby.
Postpartum Doulas are required to take a breastfeeding course and are experienced in assisting with breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, and education on pumping and milk storage. Research shows greater success with breastfeeding with a Postpartum Doula present, and it’s proven mothers who have doula support pump more milk.
Although Postpartum Doulas are not specialized in newborn care like a Newborn Care Specialist, they do have education on basic swaddling, diapering, grooming, umbilical cord, circumcision care, and bathing.
Having a Postpartum Doula in the home is a relief for parents as she aids them in developing their individual style of nurturing and bonding with baby while offering soothing solutions and calming techniques in the event of gas and colic.
The Postpartum Doula helps with baby’s laundry, nursery organization, changing and feeding stations. She helps with dishes, prepares snacks and teas and small meals and can grocery shop for the family as well. She even helps with pet assimilation to the baby.
Did you know? Postpartum Doula Services are eligible for insurance reimbursement!
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The Role of The Newborn Care Specialist
A Newborn Care Specialist is an individual trained and skilled in newborn care. She provides unique expertise in all aspects of newborn care, parental education and support. It is important to note that a Newborn Care Specialist is not a Nanny and requires special training and education specific to the profession. Newborn Care Specialists are different from a Doulas in that their role is specifically geared towards infant care and towards educating the parents on newborn issues. A Certified Advanced NCS has been awarded by the Newborn Care Specialist Association based on training, education, assessment, and earned at least 2500 hours of hands-on care for newborns and unlike Doulas, are not required to take any training in breastfeeding.
The duties of an NCS include transitioning the mother into her incredible life-changing moment of motherhood while providing excellent care to the infant. Breast and bottle-feeding support, pumping and milk storage assistance, umbilical and circumcision care, grooming and bathing the baby, infant massage, baby laundry, nursery organization, and nutritional guidance for the mother.
Having a Certified Advanced Newborn Care Specialist available during your post-delivery period can help you gain confidence as well as practical skills during your early days of parenting. In addition, you can be at peace knowing your experienced caregiver is trained in this unique level of utmost postpartum care which is usually retained for a period of one week to three months. Newborn Care Specialist services are not eligible for insurance reimbursement.
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THe Difference: Doula vs. NCS
A Postpartum Doula has a positive impact on the well-being of the entire family. The support of a Postpartum Doula has been proven to ease breastfeeding and encourages mother-infant bonding, resulting in a healthy and positive transition to life as a family. Research shows that a mother feels more secure and cared for when having a Postpartum Doula present. In fact, a Postpartum Doula’s support decreases the chances of Postpartum Mood Disorders and depression through the doula’s support: encouraging self care by mothering the new mother. Countless scientific trials examining doula care demonstrate remarkably improved physical and psychological outcomes for both mother and baby. A Postpartum Doula teaches new parents how to specifically and properly care for their newborn, easing them into their new roles by sharing newborn care techniques, teaching how to fully physically care for their baby in this special age of new life. It’s a fact that Dads, or the non-birthing parent, who have doulas learn skills earlier and are more able to take on care of their infant alone earlier. Postpartum Doulas also provide emotional support for this new transition to all family members, including grandma in her new role and siblings in welcoming the new family member. The doula helps with light housekeeping and simple meal preparation for all family members to allow downtime for the mother to rest, and for both parents to enjoy bonding with their baby. A Postpartum Doula does not take over care of the baby and goes with the mother to the doctor’s appointment, helping with the carseat, soothing baby in the back seat during the ride, carrying the mother’s diaper bag, opening car doors and clinic doors, etc. A doula does not do heavy housekeeping or insist the new parents care for their baby in any particular style.
A Newborn Care Specialist is hands-on, focusing on caring for the baby solely, relieving the parents of caring for their newborn which allows them downtime. An NCS does not perform any tasks to care for the mother’s recovery, does not prepare meals or any housekeeping, and does not tend to the siblings adjustment. If the parents need to leave to a doctor’s appointment or out to dinner or for a beauty treatment, the Newborn Care Specialist stays at their home to care for the baby. It is important to know when hiring help for your family that a Certified Newborn Care Specialist has the credentials, experience, knowledge, and professionalism to care for newborns beyond that of any other. Newborn Nannies are not Newborn Care Specialists; they are nannies who nanny for families of all ages and randomly may have a job caring for a newborn but are not trained and specialized in newborn care. It is essential to seek a specialist with comprehensive training in all areas of newborn care in order to receive exemplary care during this most precious time of your postpartum phase.
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unique care for your family
Both Postpartum Doulas and Newborn Care Specialists understand the importance of feeding, sleeping, and supporting families during this time.
Postpartum Doulas foster confidence in new parents, providing tools which enable them to care completely for their baby once their contract ends, leaving you at ease, empowered, and proud of the journey – your journey.
A Postpartum Doula who takes over care of your baby while you sleep is breaking the Doula Code of Ethics and not working as a doula (educational role to empower parents and foster maximum self-determination, working herself out of a job and ending her shifts with the parents competent and confident to care for their baby) nor is she working as a Newborn Care Specialist but she is instead working as a Night Nanny (as she has not been trained as an NCS).
Sleep deprivation in an adult results in memory loss, inability to deal with simple issues during the day and can lead to Postpartum Depression.
No mother wants to forget this most precious, incredible time in her new family’s lives! This is such a special time that nothing should be forgotten due to lack of sleep and physical stress, which often turns into unnecessary emotional stress.
Mommy sleeps when baby sleeps, and although that sounds like a good amount of rest, because newborns sleep a lot (13-20 hours daily) however babies do not actually sleep for long periods. A baby may sleep for only 50 minutes. If Mommy is breastfeeding, she wakes to feed baby every 2 ½ – 3 hours for about 45 minutes, takes another 15 to change baby’s diaper, 20 to burp, maybe another diaper change, and maybe longer to put her baby to sleep. If pumping, Mommy needs even more time to get comfortable to let her milk down and then clean the pump parts and equipment and prepare bottles for storage. The energy output is equivalent to 500 calories or a trip to the gym and now Mommy is hungry and thirsty. Then Mommy needs to wake in another 1-2 ½ hours… if she doesn’t have trouble falling back to sleep. This is bound to lead to sleep deprivation.
As adults, we are use to sleeping soundly or deeply for extended periods of time and not getting that sleep will drastically reduce Mommy’s ability to deal with the day. On top of that, Mommy’s body is going throw huge hormonal changes, and friends and family are constantly texting, calling, or stopping by to visit. Mommy also needs to take time to use the restroom, eat, shower, and bathe baby. She also needs to rest from giving birth!
If all you anticipate needing is a professional to take care of your newborn baby while you rest, then an NCS is perfect for you; but if you would like more extensive care such as breastfeeding support in the middle of the night, a network of referrals for extended support, and tools in crisis and family management, then hire a doula! Both of these professionals will take excellent care of your precious newborn.
No Professional is alike, nor are the philosophies.
Is your family unique? Yes, it is.
Your support should be, too.
Ready to get started?
what you can learn
As our client, there will be many topics to discuss to prepare you.
How do you know what to ask or expect if you haven’t been informed on what exactly to expect or ask?
1. Quick Answers
2. Baby’s Growth
3. Mindfulness
4. Nutrition
5. Breathing
6. Preparing for Birth
7. Optimal Positioning & Spinning Babies
8. Pain
9. Placenta
10. Dilation, Effacement, Station
11. Labor Day
12. Group B Strep
13. Gestational Diabetes
14. Preeclampsia
15. Preparing for Postpartum
16. Interventions 101
17. Induction Options
18. Epidural Options
19. Cesarean Options
20. Episiotomy Options
21. Instrumental Delivery Options
22. Placenta Delivery Options
23. Placenta Encapsulation Options
24. Newborn Procedure Options
25. Birth Preferences
Birth Clients
- When to Call Doula
- Signs of Labor and Reasons for Changes
- Signs of Labor Cheat Sheet
- Tips For Partner
- Tips For Partner Cheat Sheet
- When It’s Time To Go In
- Timing Your Contractions
- When Should I Worry
- Tips & Remedies
- Baby’s Debut Date vs. the Old EDD Method
- Evidence on Due Dates
- Birth Preparedness Checklist
- What To Pack
- How Big Is Baby
- Nine Months That Made You
- Week 1 Menstruation
- Week 2 Ovulation
- Week 3 Conception and Implantation
- Baby’s Growth at 4 Weeks Pregnant
- Baby’s Growth at 5 Weeks Pregnant
- Baby’s Growth at 6 Weeks Pregnant
- Baby’s Growth at 7 Weeks Pregnant
- Baby’s Growth at 8 Weeks Pregnant
- Baby’s Growth at 9 Weeks Pregnant
- Baby’s Growth at 10 Weeks Pregnant
- … all the way to 42 Weeks Pregnant
- Birth Empowerment
- Self-Hypnosis For Birth
- Switch Off Your Brain
- Hypnosis Relaxation For Birth
- Fear Release Script
- Positive Reframing Your Mind
- Pregnancy and Birth Affirmations
- Pregnancy Comments & Responses
- Weight Gain in Pregnancy
- Microbiome for Baby
- Pregnancy Nutrition
- Essential Oils for Pregnancy & Beyond
- Probiotics and Pregnancy
- Benefits of Probiotics, Immunity, and Constipation
- Probiotics for Lowering Preeclampsia
- Probiotics and Glucose Metabolism
- Breastmilk Composition and Decreasing Painful Lactation with Probiotics
- Probiotics and Reducing Pediatric Asthma and Eczema
- Fish Oil and Probiotics for Reducing Allergies
- Probiotics Restoring Normal Microbiota Composition and Function in Cesarean-Born Babies
- Labor Breathing – The Next Generation
- Breathing Techniques for Labor
- Heart and Lung Exercises
- Amazing Birth Checklist
- Oxytocin
- Essential Oils for Pregnancy & Labor
- Bed Rest Can Harm Instead of Help
- Birthing the Easy Way in the Hospital
- Surfing Through Labor
- Spontaneous Release of Membranes
- Your Guide to Labour & Birth
- Laboring Through the Five Senses
- Avoid Purple-Directed Pushing
- Prolapsed Umbilical Cord
- What Women Aren’t Told About Childbirth
- Home Birth & Hospital Birth
- Perineal Massage
- 5 Ways For a Healthy Pregnancy & Birth
- 6 Simple Steps for a Healthy & Safe Birth
- How to Help Your Hormones Do Their Wonderful Work
- Maintaining Freedom of Movement
- Pathway to A Healthy Birth
- Evidence on Failure to Progress
- Belly Mapping
- External Cephalic Version
- Guide to Breech Chart
- Guide to Breech
- Occiput Posterior Babies
- Optimal Fetal Positioning
- How to Prevent Malposition
- Research on Vaginal Breech Birth
- The Miles Circuit
- Vinaver Method to Turn Breech Baby
- Ways to Turn a Breech Baby
- Intro to Spinning Babies
- Acupressure Points
- Comfort in Labor
- Decreasing Pain by Decreasing Fear
- Drug-Free Pain Relief
- Evidence on Labor Pain Relief
- Labor Pain Management
- Natural Pain Relief Techniques for Childbirth Using Acupressure
- Pain in Childbirth
- All About The Placenta
- Marginal Insertion Placenta
- Normal Insertion Placenta
- Partial Placenta Previa
- Placenta Accreta
- Placenta Increta
- Placenta Percreta
- Placenta Previa
- Better Birth Dilation Guide
- Fetal Station 3
- Fetal Station 4
- Vaginal Exams
- Doulas for Parents & Providers
- Signs of Labor
- Help a Woman in Labor
- Hormones of Labor & Birth
- Hormones Coloring Book
- Stages of Labor
- What to Expect in All Labor Stages
- Coping With Prodromol Labor
- What To Do In Early Labor
- Adequate Support
- Continuous Labor Support
- Low-Stress Birthing Environments
- Let Labor Begin On Its Own
- Moving Throughout Labor
- Mobility in Labor
- Healthy Birth Practices
- Food in Labor
- Finding Your Labor Rhythm
- Saline Hep Lock During Labor
- Electronic Fetal Monitoring
- Evidence on Fetal Monitoring
- Internal Fetal Monitoring
- Research on Fetal Monitoring
- Easy Comfort Measures
- Labor Positions Quick Guide
- Labor Positions for Various Birth Styles
- Positions for Laboring
- Active Labor Positions
- Avoid Birth on Back & Follow Urge to Push
- Will You Push For Your Baby
- Second Stage of Labor – Pushing
- Perineal Support
- Precipitous Birth
- Labor Door Signs
- Cheeky Labor Door Signs
- All About GBS
- Cochrane Review: Intrapartum Antibiotics for Known Maternal GBS
- Evidence Based Birth Takes on Group B Strep
- Evidence on Group B Strep in Pregnancy
- Group B Strep in Pregnancy
- Group B Streptococcus During Pregnancy, Labor, & Birth
- Real Life Stories on Group B Strep – Evidence Based Birth®
- Understanding Group B Streptococcus
- Universal Antenatal Screening for GBS
- Diagnosing Gestational Diabetes & the Glucola Test
- Advising Women With Diabetes in Pregnancy to Express Breastmilk in Late Pregnancy
- Expressing Colostrum Antenatally
- Expressing Milk Before Birth: A Tool for Use in Special Circumstances
- Is it Safe to Express Milk Before Giving Birth?
- Study Finds Breast Milk Expressing in Pregnancy Safe
- Cause of Preeclampsia
- Preeclampsia: The Cure is Birth, or Is It?
- Just Diagnosed With Preeclampsia: Now What?
- Making Sense of Preeclampsia Tests
- Why Do I Need to Know if I Have Preeclampsia?
- Preeclampsia & High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
- What is HELLP Syndrome?
- Preeclampsia: Beyond the Basics
- Time from Preeclampsia Diagnosis to Delivery Affects
- Preeclampsia and Heart Disease and Stroke
- Aspirin and Preeclampsia
- Low-Dose Aspirin Use During Pregnancy
- After 34 Weeks, is it Safer to Deliver Immediately or Wait if High Blood Pressure is Not Persistently Severe?
- Breastfeeding in Women with Severe Preeclampsia
- Postpartum Nutrition after Preeclampsia
- Local Resource List
- Postpartum Plan
- Postpartum Self-Care Plan
- Informed Consent & Informed Decisions
- Labor Interventions – How to Avoid & Why You’d Want to
- Avoid Interventions That Are Not Medically Necessary
- Professional Recommendations to Limit Labor and Birth Interventions
- Risks & Benefits
- Labor Induction Guide
- The Straight Scoop on Inductions
- If You Have Been Induced
- Inductions and Importance of Bishop Score
- Induction Methods Risks & Benefits
- Membrane Sweeps – What You Need to Know
- Pros & Cons of Membrane Sweeping
- Stripping Membranes
- AROM – Artificial Rupture of Membranes
- Cascading Interventions From an Epidural
- Epidural Anesthesia for Birth
- About Epidurals
- Is Epidural My Only Option
- Breastfeeding Concerns After Epidurals
- Non-Pharmacologic Pain Management vs. Epidural Analgesia
- Intrauterine Pressure Catheter
- What’s The Deal With Cesareans
- Cesarean Sections – What Every Woman Needs to Know
- Physiologic Birth vs. Cesarean Section
- Evidence on Skin-To-Skin After Cesarean
- Making Your Cesarean Mother-Baby Friendly
- Cesarean Prevention Recommendations from Obstetric Leaders
- Vaginal or Cesarean Birth – What is at Stake for Women and Babies
- Better Cesarean
- VBAC Is An Option
- Visual of Episiotomy
- Women Who Don’t Push Are 85% Less Likely to Tear
- Avoiding an Episiotomy
- Avoiding the Unkind Cut
- The Husband Stitch Is Not Just a Horrifying Childbirth Myth
- Doctors Who Ignore Episiotomy Consent
- Forceps and Instrument Risks
- Forceps Delivery
- Risk of Forceps
- Vacuum Assisted Delivery
- Vacuum Assisted Birth Risks and Benefits
- The Third Stage of Labour
- Natural vs. Managed Third Stage of Labor
- Should I Have a Managed or Physiological Third Stage
- Placenta Delivery: Human & Infant Rights
- Placenta Delivery in Third Stage of Labor
- Natural Approach to Labor’s Third Stage
- Different Routes in Third Stage of Labour
- Lactation Consultant Perspective on Placenta Encapsulation
- Placenta Encapsulation Risks and Benefits
- Health Implications with Placenta Consumption
- Bond With Baby Before Newborn Procedures
- Keeping Your Baby With You
- Early Skin-to-Skin Contact
- Common Newborn Procedures
- Vitamin K Shot Risks and Benefits
- Vitamin K Myths and Facts
- Evidence on Erythromycin Eye Ointment
- Why You Must Demand Delayed Cord Clamping
- Delayed Cord Clamping: Why Cord Blood Banking Hurts Your Baby
- Ask The Midwife: Delayed Cord Clamping and Blood Banking
- Delayed Cord Clamping Could Save As Many As 100,000 Premature Babies
- Delayed Cord Clamping Risks & Benefits
- Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping
- Why No Baby Bath After Birth
- Delaying Baby Bath Benefits
- Evidence and Ethics on Circumcision
- Priorities for Childbirth
- Understanding Your Biases and Orientation in Medical Decision Making
- Strategies for Specific Triggers of Anxiety during Childbirth
- Getting What You Want For Your Birth Experience
- Determining Risks And Benefits
- Making Decisions for Pregnancy
- Decision-Making Worksheet
- Sample Birth Plan – Birth Center
- Sample Birth Plan – Hospital A
- Sample Birth Plan – Hospital B
- Birth Planning Worksheet
- Birth Plan Images
- What To Ask Your Care Provider – Quicklist
- What to Ask a Birth Center
- What to Ask a Hospital
- What to Ask a Midwife
- What to Ask an OB-GYN_Physician
- Assess Your Doctor’s Answers
- Choosing a Care Provider
- Changing Your Care Provider
- When and How to Break Up With Your OB
- Who Should Be My Care Provider
- 20 Reasons to Hire a Midwife
- You’re Not Allowed to Not Allow Me
- Being Admitted to the Hospital or Signing Consent Forms is Not Implied Consent
1. Newborn & Postpartum Essentials
2. Emotional Health
3. Family Support
4. Warning Signs
5. Newborn Traits
6. Grooming
7. Infant Massage
8. Newborn Immunity
9. Sibling Assimilation
10. Pet Assimilation
11. Traveling
12. Playtime
13. Tummy Time
14. Sleep
15. Soothing
16. Baby Wearing/Carrying
17. Suggested Readings
18. Breastfeeding
Postpartum Clients
Ayurveda Postpartum Support
Dosha Constitution and Postpartum Recovery
Baby Night Lights for Better Sleep
Humidity & Temperature for Nursery
- Best lactation supplements and breastfeeding aids
- Top products to heal from episiotomy/perineum tears
- Favorite products for cesarean scar care
- Safest products for nipple care
- Best digestive and helpful natural elimination aids
- Favorite effective white noise sound machines
- Top picks for humidifiers, diffusers, air circulators, fans
- Best grooming devices for newborn fingernails and baby’s earwax
- Favorite cradle cap preventers and remedies
- Safest natural baby soap, newborn shampoo, and conditioner for babies
- Safest sunscreens for newborns and babies
- Best natural diaper creams
- Top strollers
- Favorite car seat and stroller cover
- Safest natural baby laundry detergent
- Best blackout solutions for nursery
- A Little Self-Care Goes A Long Way
- Back to Normal in Six Weeks
- Bonding and Attachment
- Bonding Naturally with Your Baby
- Bonding – What it Means
- Easing into Parenthood – The First Six Weeks Postpartum
- Factors That Influence Postpartum Recovery
- Mood Disorders – Quick Reference
- Perinatal Mental Health
- Postpartum Depression
- Postpartum Depression Risk Assessment in Pregnancy
- Postpartum Mental Health Checklist
- Symptoms of Perinatal Mental Health Clinical Classifications
- The Baby Blues
- The Fourth Trimester – Postpartum Healing
- Tips to Deal with Frustration and Anger
- Unhappiness After Childbirth – Self Assessment
- Unwanted Advice
- 10 Tips for Dads
- Are Mothers and Fathers Interchangeable
- Becoming A Dad
- Becoming Attached to Your New Baby
- Dads Play an Important Role
- Fatherhood Challenges & Rewards of Caring for Infants
- Fatherhood – When Worries Settle In
- Fathers and Deciding on Breastfeeding
- Fathers Can Support Breastfeeding
- Getting Dads More Involved
- Grandparents & Breastfeeding
- Help From Family & Friends
- How Family Members Can Support Mother
- How to Have A Happy Marriage
- Information for Dads
- Myths About Good Parenting
- New Dads
- Parenting Well When Emotions Run High
- Postpartum Plan
- Postpartum Self-Care Plan
- Postpartum Visitors Sign
- Supporting a Breastfeeding Mother
- Support Your Daughter
- Support Your Partner
- Essential Oils for New Moms & Infants
- Warning Signs in the Newborn
- Warning Signs in the Postpartum Mother
- Newborn Senses
- Newborn Stomach Sizes
- Normal Newborn Appearance
- Your Newborn’s Appearance
- Bathing Your Baby
- How Often Should I Bathe My Baby
- Stop The Diaper Changing Battles
- Umbilical Cord
- The Right Touch – Art of Infant Massage
- Probiotics for Baby’s Best Health
- How to Prevent Deadly Infection in Babies
- Research Study on Persistence of Supplemented Probiotics in Breastfed Infants
- The Bacteria Babies Need
- The Importance of Infant Exposure to Micro-Organisms
- How to Handle Demands of a Toddler & Newborn
- First Born Jealousy
- Ways to Include Your Dog
- Travel Tips & Flying With a Baby
- Car Seat Crying
- Going Visiting
- Your Diaper Bag
- Toys for Babies
- Eight Sleep Tips
- How to Get Enough Sleep in the Few Weeks After Birth
- Moving From Crib To Bed
- Newborn Babies Sleep
- Preventing and Managing Infant Sleep Problems
- Safe Sleep for You and Baby
- Sleep-Activity States
- Sleep For New Parents
- Sleeping – PURPLE Crying
- Sleeping With a Pacifier
- Solving Naptime Problems
- Tips for New Parents to Get More Sleep
- Treating Sleep Problems Once They Arise
- What Is Preventing Sleep
- What is Sleep Training
- Where Should My Baby Sleep
- Why Short Cat-Naps Are Not Good Enough
- Why Skipping a Nap Results in Meltdown
- Wonderful Sounds For Sleep
- Baby Tantrums
- Calming A Crying Baby
- Calming A Crying Newborn
- Common Features & Principles of Soothing
- Commonly Asked Questions About Fussy Baby
- Common Sense & Well Tried Soothing Methods
- Does Your Baby Have Colic
- Overstimulating A Newborn
- Protecting Your Infant
- Real Life Challenges of Infant Crying
- Separation Anxiety
- Shaken Baby Syndrom (SBS)
- The Calming Reflex And Colic
- The Relation of Crying to SBS
- Time-Tested Baby Calmers Checklist
- What is the Period of PURPLE Crying
- When Baby Cries – Why?
- Babywearing Benefits
- Babywearing
- Choosing a Baby Carrier
17. Suggested Readings
- Books for Expecting Mothers
- Books for Expecting Fathers
- Books for Children and Expecting Siblings
- Best Breastfeeding Position
- Breastfeeding Babies With Special Needs
- Bottle-Feeding Tips
- Breastfeeding the Sleepy Baby
- Breast Milk vs. Formula
- Breastfeeding Benefits That Last A Lifetime
- Breastfeeding in the First Hour of Life
- The Golden Hour
- Staying Together in The Golden Hour
- A Newborn’s Best Start in The Golden Hour
- The Importance of Skin to Skin Contact
- Breastfeeding Positions
- Care Plan – Getting Started With Breastfeeding
- Care Plan – Managing Engorgement
- Care Plan – Baby Won’t Latch
- Care Plan – Sore Nipple Management
- Care Plan – Supplementation
- Breastfeeding Starting Out Right
- Sore Nipples & Proper Positioning
- 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
- When Baby Does Not Yet Latch
- A Good Start to Breastfeeding
- Nipple Shields
- A Strong Start with Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding the Premature Baby
- Breastfeeding and Jaundice
- Baby’s Weight Gain Guide
- Feeding Patterns
- The Magical Bond of Love
- Latching and Feeding Management
- Late Onset & Decreased Milk Supply or Flow
- Domperidone
- Engorgement
- What a Breastfeeding Mother Needs
- Breastfeeding As a Busy Mom
- Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake
- Breastfeeding and Traveling
- Sore Nipples & Engorgement
- Breastfeeding and Drugs
- Hand Expressing Breastmilk Guide
- Breastfeeding and Other Foods
- Expressing By Hand
- Expressing Your Breastmilk
- Hand Expressing Breastmilk Visuals
- Breastfeeding and Compression
- Breastfeeding and Working
- Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk
- What to Feed Baby When Mother is Working
- Breastfeeding Your Adopted or Surrogate Born Baby
- Finger and Cup Feeding
- Candida Protocol
- Bottle Feeding Your Breastfed Baby
- Domperidone and the FDA
- Lactation Aid
- Medela Human Milk Insights
- What’s In Breastmilk & Formula
- Milk Storage
- Starting Solid Foods
- Herbal Remedies for Milk Supply
- Extreme Fullness
- Fluconazole
- Hypoglycæmia of Newborn Low blood Sugar
- Illness in the Breastfeeding Parent or Baby
- How To Know A Health Professional Is Not Supportive
- Toxins and Infant Feeding
- Vasospasm
- Tongue-tie Lip-Tie and Release
No Professional is alike, nor are the philosophies.
Is your family unique? Yes, it is.
Your support should be, too.
Ready to get started?
Read What Support Do I Need? to get further clarification.