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Ayurvedic Super Food Lactation Snack

Ayurvedic Super Food Lactation Snack has six galactagogues and lactogenic super foods: sweet potatoes, hemp hearts, sesame seeds, cardamom, ginger, and ghee.

Sweet Potato + Hemp Hearts + Sesame Seeds + Pumpkin Seeds + Cardamom + Ginger + Ghee = YUM!!!

Sweet potatoes, a #superFood spud super magically loaded with:

🍠 Beta carotene, iron, and minerals to increase and improve a #newMum’s #breastmilk!

🍠 Magnesium, #protein, and potassium, lowering blood pressure which is usually higher in postpartum due to retained fluids! This radical root decreases water retention and balances electrolytes!

🍠 This galactagogue helps #newMother with muscle contractions and nerve signals needed when her #postpartumBody is going through uterine involution with lochia; her #uterus still cramping, reducing to prepregnancy size!

🍠 Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index than yams and are full of Vitamin A and fiber so they don’t cause blood sugar levels to spike! 👍

Heavenly #hempHearts are high in:

🌱 Arginine; #hemp produces nitric oxide in your body, dilating and relaxing blood vessels (so great for #postpartum), leading to lowered blood pressure and reduced heart disease risk!

🌱 2 essential fatty acids: linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3), good for heart health!

🌱 Vitamin A, E and minerals phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc, and B vitamins: niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B-6, and folate!

🌱 Gamma-linolenic acid, reducing #inflammation and improving blood circulation for #milkSupply! Much needed for a #motherhood especially when engorged! A #lactogenic food, plus reduces breast tenderness!

🌱 #hempSeeds with shells on are a great source of soluble and insoluble #fiber, improving bowel function, pulling out hormonal & environmental #toxins, improving quality of #milkProduction!

🌱 And they’re a complete source of protein with all 9 essential amino acids + way more protein than flax or chia!

💕 #Sesame seeds, #pumpkin seeds, #ginger, and #cardamom are also #galactagogues helpful for #breastfeeding! 🤱 Hey #newMommy, don’t forget to add #ghee! All these amazing #nutrients will better digest and absorb deeper into your body’s tissues!!


  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 3 Tablespoons ghee
  • 1 teaspoon cardamom
  • 1 inch chopped ginger
  • 2 Tablespoons hemp hearts
  • 1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 handful pumpkin seeds


  1. You may chop and boil the sweet potatoes on the stove for 20 minutes to reduce sugar levels, or just roast them wrapped in foil in the oven for about an hour. If you have an Instant Pot, pop them in on a trivet with a cup of water for 25 minutes under high pressure and then do a 10 minute natural release.
  2. Add ghee to a small pan and saute the ginger for a few minutes until the aroma delights you. Be careful not to burn and remove from heat.
  3. Place the sweet potatoes in a food processor for a creamy texture or for a chunkier consistency, mix with a spatula.
  4. Stir in cardamom, and ginger-infused ghee.
  5. Sprinkle the hemp, sesame, and pumpkin seeds on top when serving.
  6. Sweet potatoes are… sweet. If you desire to sweeten further, see below.

Sweeten for your dosha

  • Vatas: add honey at end when cooled
  • Pittas: maple syrup
  • Kaphas: honey, agave, ~2 drops liquid stevia

Prepare for postpartum recovery with Ayurvedic Meal Delivery

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DIY Herbal Padsicles + Perineum Sitz Spray

DIY Herbal Padsicles + Perineum Sitz Spray

Soothe and heal your perineum fast after giving birth with this easy, natural DIY herbal perineum spray and padsicles recipe.  These pads will relieve inflammation, swelling, and soreness after birthing during your first couple weeks postpartum.  The remaining spray will provide much relief after you void/use the restroom.  It’s a 2-in-1!

Ingredients for healing your precious perineum:

Feminine pads (chemical-free sanitary pads which are chlorine-free and scent-free are healthier for this sensitive postpartum time)

Organic Aloe Vera gel (alcohol-free aloe vera, and watch out for imitation with coloring and dyes)

Organic Witch Hazel (choose an alcohol-free Lavender Witch Hazel or alcohol-free Cucumber Witch Hazel or alcohol-free unscented witch hazel version of this astringent which heals skin and closes pores)

Lavender Essential Oil* (antifungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory; relieves swelling of the skin and supports cellular regeneration)

German Chamomile Essential Oil** (anti-inflammatory; wound-healing)

Rosemary Essential Oil* (anti-inflammatory; strengthens muscles, and fights infection)

Frankincense Essential Oil* (prevents scarring and supports tissue regeneration)

Geranium Essential Oil* (skin conditioner; heals broken capillaries)

Small Spray Bottle

Aluminum Foil (optional)

spoon or small spatula

freezer baggies (gallon-size recommended)

medium-sized air-tight container (optional)


  1. Wash hands well and dry thoroughly.
  2. Pour witch hazel halfway into your small spray bottle.
  3. Add 6 drops total of your preferred essential oils.  You may want to start with 2 drops of lavender first, spray an area like your wrist, and test your sensitivity.  Then add another 2 drops of chamomile, shake it and spray to test your other wrist.  Different oils can cause different reactions so you want to make sure you are not sensitive to any particular oil.
  4. Pour in more witch hazel to the top of your bottle.
  5. Close and shake vigorously.
  6. Open aloe vera container.
  7. Open pads, opening the flaps of the outer wrapper but leave the pad attached.
  8. Spread a thin layer of aloe onto the pads using a spoon or small spatula.
  9. Shake the spray bottle again, and spray onto your pads. The pads should be damp but not soaked through; ensure you preserve some of their absorbency for postpartum bleeding.
  10. Fold up your pads and stack them inside freezer bags.  You may be able to fit up to 10 in each bag.
  11. Stack the bags flat inside your air-tight container.
  12. Store container in freezer!
  13. Place peri bottle in the fridge.
  14. When you go into labor, pop your peri bottle into your birth bag.  Shake first and then spray directly onto your perineum after you deliver your beautiful Baby.
  15. After Baby debuts, soothe your perineum by wearing 3-4 pads daily straight from the freezer!  Only take one pad out at a time as needed. You can also spray more onto each individual pad you use if you prefer more moisture.


* Only use pure, GMO-free essential oils. The best quality essential oils are made by DoTerra. Your perineum is a very precious lady part and these perineum membranes are fragile after giving birth. Your body absorbs anything placed on your skin organ directly into your blood and circulatory system. Choose the best for your best perineum.
** Only use German Chamomile, not Roman Chamomile as this version helps with inflammation.

Consider hiring a Postpartum Doula for more support after giving birth.

If you don’t feel up to making your own, check out our:

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Suggested Readings

Nourish Birth Suggested Readings

Books for Expecting Mothers

Books for Expecting Fathers

Books for Children and Expecting Siblings

Books for Pet Assimilation

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The Calming Reflex And Colic

The Calming Reflex And Colic

A hypothesis for colic is presented by Pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp with a term defined as “The Missing Fourth Trimester”. This refers to the timeframe of a newborn baby’s first three months, and Dr. Karp’s discovery of the neonatal response, also known as the calming reflex or “off switch” for crying in infants younger than 3 months, which is activated by his solution called “The 5 S’s” technique.

According to most doctors, there are four main theories of the cause of colic:

  1. gastrointestinal disorders
  2. difficult temperament
  3. brain immaturity
  4. maternal anxiety

However, Dr. Karp lists several rebuttals to these four theories in detail:

  • Colic starts at 2 weeks of age; gas starts shortly after birth
  • Colic ends at 3 months of age; gas lasts a lifetime. Dr. Karp argues symptoms like gas that are suggestive of intestinal pain are probably an overreaction of an immature neurological system to normal intestinal sensations (e.g., the gastrocolic reflex).
  • Colic peaks in the evening; gas occurs all day. Dr. Karp claims evening predominance of crying may be caused by a gradual accumulation of stress throughout the day in the absence of calming rhythmic stimulation which newborns are used to experiencing in the womb.
  • Colic is absent from some cultures around the world; gas is not. Dr. Karp explains that the parents in these cultures imitate the womb for the baby all day long with constant holding and rocking and frequent nursing.
  • Overfeeding is ruled out, as one of these cultures known as the !Kung San, nurse their children 50 to 100 times a day, but their babies never experience colic.
  • The swallowed air theory also doesn’t seem to apply, due to radiographs of fussy babies demonstrating they have more air in the GI tract when they finished crying than when they began to cry.
  • The theory of brain immaturity does not match either. Newborns do have immature brains that are incompletely myelinated. They display slow transmission of impulses from the retina to the occipital cortex during the first three months of life, have frequent tremors, irregular breathing, crossing of their eyes, and poor state control. However preemies have very immature state control, and they do not experience colic until after their due date.
  • The theory of difficult infant temperament was rebuked by researchers as well through numerous studies which have found the association with temperament to be small.
  • In addition, the theory that maternal anxiety is a cause of colic was rebutted by studies with mothers of colicky babies proving they are no more inherently anxious than other mothers, and colic is as common in a couple’s fifth baby as in their first baby. Dr. Karp explains this argues against anxiety playing a role in colic because parents tend to be more anxious with their first baby than subsequent ones.
  • Lastly, the cessation of colic after approximately 3 months fits perfectly with Dr. Karp’s theory of the missing fourth trimester.

Dr. Karp notes that while these four theories are aspects of colic, they don’t detail its root cause; which is what he calls the missing fourth trimester. He even states babies are born three months too soon. Whether this is the case or not, we need to consider that upon birth, babies are suddenly extracted from a rhythmic, snug and entrancing environment (the womb) to an environment of sporadic noises, new reflexes and sensations. Therefore it is understandable this may overwhelm infants who have poor state control and thus provoke persistent crying.

The exciting part is the solution Dr. Karp has found to be a calming reflex which takes place involuntarily during the last months of pregnancy. The response puts fetuses in a trance, keeping them head down and motionless. Dr. Karp’s clinical experience has found that the calming reflex can be activated after a baby is born as well, by what he calls “The 5 S’s” – maneuvers that mimic uterine sensations. These techniques include:

  1. Swaddling, which keeps the baby snug and mimicking the womb’s motionless hold during the last few months during pregnancy
  2. Side or stomach positioning which halts the Moro reflex as babies aren’t in the supine position
  3. Shushing to audibly reenact the sound of blood flow fetus’ have heard for their entire life before birth
  4. Swinging copies the movements the baby experienced inside of the mother
  5. Sucking, which relocated babies sucking their fingers in utero

I believe every pediatrician, caregiver, and parent should be informed of Dr. Karp’s theory of the missing fourth trimester. In my experience, performing the 5 S’s solution has soothed many babies I’ve cared for and proves to be an important gift every baby deserves in their first few months of their beautiful new life.